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The Waterfall of Harmony


It is majestic, refreshing, and beautiful. It is harmony that pours down relentlessly like a waterfall.


I received the draft of this artwork from a vision in a dream. I saw mountains representing different groups of people who were far apart. Meanwhile the eagle, which represented the wisdom, the harmony, and peace, hovered over different people.

When the exhibition ‘Good and Peace’ invited me for participation, I remembered the draft I received in my dream and expended with more meanings.

Embroidery thread, acrylic | 60 x 200 cm

The medium of the piece is embroidered mountains and eagle. The sky and river are painted onto the canvas and the waterfall is of more than twenty different colours of yarn that fall from the artwork. Even different groups of people are divided, the harmony can be created when the communication like water flows between people and goes towards the same direction. As the wiser, like the eagle, leads people to the same direction, the world of peace and harmony is established. When visitors see the artwork from long distance they cannot tell the colours of yarn, since water in flows the same direction with harmony. Therefore, I believe if we communicate and accept each other’s differences, we can live a harmonious life.

Process of embroidery:

Molly Wei